Top 10 Work From Home Productivity Tips: The Ultimate Guide

Getting started: work from home productivity tips

Hello you remote working champs. How’s your home office vibe today? We’re guessing if you’re here then you may need to step up your WFH (work from home) game. Whether you’ve been working from home for a little while or you’re just starting to embrace the remote lifestyle, we’ve got your back to help you make the most of your day. In this article we’re going to dive into the top 10 work from home productivity tips to help you conquer your working day.

You’ve bagged a great role that allows you to work from home, and it gives you enough flexibility in the day for you to start working though that to do list. Washing? Done. Food shop? Done. All of a sudden you’re faced with a deadline for the activity you haven’t even started yet. Whilst working from home can sound like a dream come true, it’s fair to say that it does come with its fair share of challenges. This is why maintaining or improving productivity at home is so important!

1. Design your workspace for success

We’ve all had those slow mornings when we grab our work laptops and hop straight back into bed or onto the sofa with them. It’s easy to do but this is setting you up for failure before the day even begins.

If possible, you need to have a dedicated space where you can work, one where you can block out any external distraction. This may be a corner in your bedroom, or another (preferably quiet) space in your home.

Once you’ve decided on a workspace it’s time for ergonomics to come into play.

Ergonomics is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them

Dohrmann Consulting

When working remotely, for your setup you may want to consider the following:

  • Laptop height/distance
  • Monitor height/distance
  • Mouse
  • Laptop raiser
  • Foot raiser
  • Arm rest position
  • Back position
Slide UP to see what the ideal ergonomic desk setup (Source: NC State University)

Besides the physical benefits of having a good home office space, we’re not forgetting the physchological impact this will also have on productivity! A tidy desk invites focus, while a cluttered one breeds chaos – not the organised kind either. A well-arranged space helps your mind breathe, promoting a sense of order and control in your work.

2. Establish a morning routine

Ever heard the saying, “How you start your day is how you live your day”? It holds more truth than you might think. Establishing a consistent morning routine provides a sense of structure and predictability, helping your brain transition from the relaxed state of sleep to the alertness needed for the day ahead. It’s like giving your internal clock a reliable roadmap!

Now we’re not shy about the importance of having a morning routine as we know how important it is for setting the tone for the day. This isn’t something you should flippantly put together either. Spend some time going through this post and remember to incorporate specific time for healthy habits, exercise and mindfulness.

This work from home productivity tip allows for a structured start to your day to really enhance your focus and work flow throughout the day.

3. Set clear goals and prioritise tasks

It’s very easy to open your laptop and just start working. But what does a good day look like? What does a bad day look like? If you have no metrics to compare it against, you’ll probably find yourself bumbling through your career, not particularly knowing if you are improving or developing.

Your goals don’t just have to be on a daily basis. you may consider setting weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly goals!

Either way, it is good to set SMART goals as it means you can measure your own success.

Meeting your goals is also going to require you to think about how you prioritise your tasks.

Now, let’s waltz into the world of task prioritisation. The key? It’s not about doing everything; it’s about doing the right things. Ultimately, what needs your attention now, and what can wait? The art of prioritisation is the secret sauce to staying on top of your game without drowning in a sea of to-dos.

We’ll list a few free tools that can assist you with goal setting and task management:

  • Trello
  • Notion
  • Todoist
  • Good old fashioned pen and paper!

There are so many apps out there, try and test them to see what works best for you.

4. Time blocking

Time blocking is all about assigning specific blocks of time to specific tasks. Need 30 minutes for emails? Time block it. Need an hour to travel to your meeting? Time block it.

Ultimately you will be focusing on one task at a time, and giving it your undivided attention. So, say goodbye to multitasking mayhem and hello to the zen of one task at a time.

Here is an example of what your day may look like if you decided to time block:

8-9amMorning routine: hydrate, meditate, short walk & shower
9-10:30amDeep work focus 1: start the primary task(s) for the day
10:45-11amTeam huddle: share progress & discussing any roadblocks
11:15-12:30pmDeep work focus 2: start the secondary task(s) for the day
1-3pmClient calls and meetings
3:15-4:30pmAnalyse performance and put together report
4:30-5:30pmCatch up on emails, admin, and plan for tomorrow
5:30pm +Personal time and relaxation
Sample day

For this to be effective, it’s really important to be realistic with how long certain tasks are going to take you, else you’re setting yourself up for failure. This work from home productivity tip means you have to be strict with your timings. If you haven’t completed a task, consider moving onto the next one and set aside more time the following day.

5. Dress for success (even at home)

Believe it or not, your choice of clothing isn’t just about looking good; it’s a psychological powerhouse. We know how easy it is to slip into comfortable clothes so you almost forget you are working , or meant to be…

FYI, you can absolutely dress smart yet comfortable for remote working! Think smart-casual – polished enough for that surprise Teams/Zoom call, yet cosy enough to rival your favourite loungewear. You can’t go wrong with a smart looking turtleneck sweater and fitted leggings!

Dressing up signals to your brain that you’re ready to conquer the day, so ditch the pyjamas. Remember, the key is to choose fabrics that feel good against your skin and styles that make you feel confident.

6. Minimise distractions

Ever find yourself down the rabbit hole of notifications or telling yourself that famous “just five more minutes”?

Get ready to embrace focus mode.

Take a second to reflect on your usual working day. Is there a certain device you get distracted on? A certain time of day ? Identify any common home distractions and think of how you can minimise them. Whether that is removing them from the room, or scheduling in 5 minutes when you’re time blocking, don’t let yourself fall victim to distractions because you haven’t spent time setting clear boundaries. No excuses around here!

minimal desk set up with just a laptop, water and orange. work-from-home productivity tips

Pro work from home productivity tip: Reduce any possible distractions by having a minimalist desk set up. Don’t let yourself fall at one of the first hurdles!

7. Embrace technology for collaboration

Whilst personal technology can be a trap of procrastination, technology for the purpose of collaboration can hugely enhance our productivity! In the world of remote working, collaboration tools is pivotal. Whether you work on Slack, Google or with another solution, these platforms enables seamless teamwork to occur.

Similarly, video conferencing software such as Teams, Google Meet or Zoom, brings teams together despite being miles and miles apart.

Pro work from home productivity tip: Even though having your camera on can seem like effort you didn’t sign up for, it keeps you more engaged. So be prepared to be camera ready at all times!

8. Strategic breaks & self-care

For some people taking breaks may seem trivial, perhaps even ‘a waste of time.’ But in reality, they are the secret sauce to having a productive day. Taking strategic breaks throughout the day and between tasks is a practical way to recharge without slowing down. Here are some ways you can force yourself to take a break:

  • Go on a short walk
  • Make yourself a drink
  • Have a snack
  • Quick exercise routine
  • Mindful tech break
  • Take a moment to connect with a friend or family member
  • Read an article, poem, or a chapter of a book

Whatever route you decide to go down, really embrace these moments of self-care. We promise they won’t break your focus for the rest of the day!

9. Stay connected with colleagues

Working remotely has a lot of benefits, but the feeling of loneliness can be one of the main downsides. Maintaining social interactions in a remote work environment is critical to ensuring your overall wellbeing does not dip at home.

There are many ways you can incorporate some time for connectivity throughout your day to achieve this work from home productivity tip, we will list a few below to get you started.

  • virtual coffee breaks
  • team check ins
  • wellness check ins
  • random act of kindness – message/email a colleague to express gratitude and positive feedback
woman working from desk, in this context on a video call to a colleague. work-from-home productivity tip

Like anything, it is really important to actually action these. If you’re planning out your day for tomorrow, or you’re in the middle of working, incorporate one of these bullet points into your routine right now.

Ultimately, these snippets of connections throughout the day will enhance your motivation, as well as overall job satisfaction. It really is a win-win.

10. Reflect & iterate your work from home productivity tips

If you don’t set aside time to reflect, you won’t be able to evaluate your performance. Making sure you regularly self reflect and recognise how your productivity has been throughout each day means you can make changes to your routine that will allow you to maximise your focus. Refining these strategies to make them work for you is the key to success here.

If you find starting with the most challenging tasks is easier as it enables the ones that require less brain power to be completed in the afternoon, then incorporate this.

On the flip side, if you find starting with the easier tasks more beneficial to getting into the flow of working, then opt for this approach instead.

Having a growth mindset is critical if you want to embrace and foster continuous improvements. This form of mindset will enable you to view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

Conclusion: work from home productivity tips

So, fellow remote workers, it’s time to put these strategies into action for a successful workday. Utilise these the various work from home productivity tip we have shared with you throughout your days and see what works best for you. Let strategic breaks guide you through your tasks, ensuring you stay refreshed and focused. Keep in touch with your colleagues; collaboration is key for a productive team.

In the realm of remote work, technology is your reliable ally so leverage its capabilities for smooth communication, effective collaboration, and streamlined workflows. Develop a growth mindset, approaching challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Now, go forth and conquer your workday! Your productivity journey awaits. 🚀

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