Random acts of kindness: 11 Ideas for work


Wouldn’t it be great if each of us could positively influence the culture of kindness at work? Beyond the hustle and bustle of work life, there lies an opportunity for us to contribute towards a more positive work environment. Whether you’re working in a factory setting, office space, retail or hospitality, we all have the ability to put a smile on our colleagues faces everyday, so why wouldn’t we want to do that? In this article we’re going to explore random acts of kindness ideas you can incorporate for work.

Benefits of Random Acts of Kindness at Work

Firstly, let’s take it back to the basics. What are random acts of kindness? Random acts of kindness are spontaneous, unanticipated gestures or actions aimed at bringing joy, comfort, or support to others without expecting anything in return. These acts are ways to show kindness to others and they often stem from a genuine desire to make a positive impact on someone’s day.

Random acts of kindness ideas for work - 2 women smiling at each other

There are many benefits to random acts of kindness for work, including:

  • Improved workplace culture
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Fostering positive relationships with colleagues

And these acts extend far beyond a simple interaction. Ever heard of pass it on kindness? Pass it on kindness occurs when positivity is shared by doing something nice for others and it encouraging them to do the same. Isn’t that a lovely thought – that your one act of kindness has the ability to set off a chain of positive actions, creating a more supportive and uplifting environment for everyone.

Random acts of kindness ideas: work edition

In the spirit of fostering a culture of kindness and positivity within the workplace, here are 11 simple yet genuine random acts of kindness that can brighten your colleagues’ days. And the best part? You can easily do these acts next time you’re working. Embrace the opportunity to make a positive impact by incorporating these thoughtful gestures into your daily interactions, creating a workplace environment where kindness flourishes organically.

  1. Compliment a Colleague: Take a moment to genuinely praise a coworker’s work or positive qualities.
  2. Bring in Treats: Share snacks or treats with your team to brighten up their day.
  3. Express Gratitude: Write thank-you notes to colleagues for their help or collaboration.
  4. Offer Assistance: Volunteer to help a colleague with a task or project.
  5. Organise a Coffee Run: Surprise your team by treating them to coffee or tea.
  6. Create a Recognition Board: Establish a board to highlight and celebrate achievements within the team.
  7. Hold the Door: Practice simple courtesies like holding the door open for others.
  8. Send Positive Emails: Share uplifting or appreciative emails with colleagues or team members.
  9. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge birthdays, work anniversaries, or personal achievements.
  10. Surprise Recognition: Unexpectedly acknowledge a colleague’s efforts during a meeting or presentation.
  11. Anonymous Appreciation Note: Leave an uplifting note on a colleague’s desk without revealing your identity.

The workplace kindness challenge

You may consider turning this list into a workplace kindness challenge, where you vow to do one random act of kindness ideas for work at least once a week. This is a great way of keeping yourself accountable and to also make this actionable. Although this may seem daunting, stick with it for a few weeks – you will see a shift in positivity.

Incorporating kindness into your daily routine

Although some people are more natural care givers in this sense, incorporating kindness into our daily routine may be required. Ensuring it is a conscious thought means you are making a commitment to completing random acts of kindness for work, where you and your colleagues will benefit from it.

Random acts of kindness gifts for coworkers

Whilst it is important to note that depending on the company you work for, gifts may not be appropriate. But for those who can enjoy the art of gift giving and receiving, whatever the occasion is, here is a list of random acts of kindness gifts for coworkers:

  • Desk Plants: Gift a small, low-maintenance plant to add a touch of greenery to a coworker’s workspace.
  • Customised Stationery: Provide personalised notepads, pens, or other office supplies with a thoughtful touch.
  • Coffee or Tea Gift Set: I’m pretty sure we all have coffee or tea lovers in our lives. Create a custom coffee or tea gift set with their favourite blends and a stylish mug.
  • Handwritten Note: Who doesn’t love a handwritten note? Craft a sincere handwritten note expressing appreciation and encouragement. It makes for a lovely keepsake too!
  • Snack Basket: This is perfect for any foodies/colleagues with a sweet tooth. Assemble a basket of their favourite snacks for a tasty and thoughtful surprise.
  • Tech Accessories: Gift practical tech accessories, such as a stylish phone stand or a quality mouse pad.
  • Books or Journals: Select a book that your coworker may have mentioned or one that aligns with their interests or professional development.
  • Office Plants: This is a particularly great gift if your coworker is often at a desk (either at the office or at home)! Potted plants can enhance the work atmosphere and promote well-being.
  • Gift Cards: Provide a gift card to a favourite local coffee shop, bookstore, or lunch spot they will often go to.
  • Relaxation Kit: Curate a relaxation kit with scented candles, bath salts, and soothing teas.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Offer a high-quality, eco-friendly water bottle for daily hydration.
  • Personalised Calendar: Create a customised calendar featuring meaningful dates or shared memories.
  • Collaborative Playlist: Whilst this will likely be digital, crafting a music playlist that contains their favourite music is a thoughtful gift that will be remembered and truly appreciated.
  • Skill-Enhancing Courses: Does your coworker love learning? Enroll them in an online course or workshop related to their interests or career goals.


As we come to the end of exploring random acts of kindness ideas for work, we hope it became evident that these small gestures can have obvious and long lasting effects. From heartfelt compliments to bringing in their favourite treats, the ripple effect of kindness fosters positive relationships, boosts morale, and to create a culture of kindness at work.

By encouraging a “pass it on kindness” mindset, you may be contributing to your workplace moving away from routine interactions, towards meanigful and intentional ones. As we navigate the challenges and triumphs of our daily work lives, let these random acts of kindness ideas for work serve as reminders that the simplistic activities you perform may have a huge impact on whoever is on the receiving end.

When was the last time you completed a random act of kindness at work – or in general?

Perhaps it’s time to schedule one in.

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