How to Better Understand Yourself: Quiz Edition


Hello there curious minds! Ready to dive into the intriguing world of self-discovery? Knowing who you are can positively steer you towards better choices, deeper connections, and a more satisfying life journey. Now, quizzes aren’t just for figuring out which Hogwarts house you belong to (although that’s crucial information, obviously). These have become increasingly popular tools into unlocking how our minds operate. In this article we’re going to explore a variety of quizzes that will help you understand yourself better.

We will cover:

  • Types of quizzes
  • Taking the quiz
  • Quiz recommendations
  • & Interpreting the results

1. Types of Quizzes

Okay there are a variety of quizzes out there, so let’s break them down:

A. Personality Quiz

So, you’ve probably heard of Myers-Briggs or the Big Five and these form of quizzes are arguably the most popular. We’re talking about understanding yourself on a whole new level – are you an introvert or extrovert? A thinker or a feeler? Dive into these questions, and suddenly, you’ll start connecting the dots of your own personality.

How to Understand Yourself Quiz - personality results
B. Strength and Weakness Quiz

These types of quizzes give you a deeper insight into what you’re naturally good at, and more importantly, how to tackle those weaknesses. So, if you’ve ever felt bogged down by your limitations, these quizzes are your personal coaches, guiding you on a journey of self-improvement.

C. Interest and Passion Quiz

Take an interest and passion quiz, and voila! Suddenly, you’re unlocking the door to hobbies you never knew you’d love and aligning those passions with your life goals.

2. Taking the Quiz

Alright, it’s quiz time! But before we dive straight into the deep end, make sure your scene is all set. This isn’t a process you should rush through. Set aside dedicated time to go through this.

Set the right environment

Find a quiet spot, unplug from the noise, and create an environment that allows you to fully engage with the questions. Whether it’s turning off notifications or finding a cosy nook, minimising distractions ensures you’re in tune with your thoughts.

Reflective mindset

Before you start the quiz, take a moment to centre yourself. Reflect on the purpose of the quiz and the insights you hope to gain. A reflective mindset sets the stage for a more meaningful self-discovery experience. So, grab a cup of tea, take a deep breath, and let the introspection begin.

how to know yourself quiz growth mindset graphic
Interpret effectively

These quizzes aren’t your average Buzzfeed clickbait – they’re designed to unveil layers of your personality, strengths, and passions. Take the time to read each question carefully. Don’t just skim the surface. Understanding the subtleties of the questions ensures that your responses are genuine and reflective of your true self.

Honest responses

Here’s the golden rule of self-discovery quizzes: honesty is your best ally. Resist the temptation to answer based on what you think the ‘ideal’ response is. These quizzes are your personal compass, and for them to work their magic, you need to be real. Whilst it can be hard to be vulnerable, the more honest you are, the more accurate and insightful your results will be.

So, with your distractions minimised, mindset reflective, and honesty intact, you’re now ready to begin your quiz journey.

3. How to Understand Yourself: Quiz

You may be wondering why knowing yourself is important. How to understand yourself better will lead to a more intentional life and to do this, we’re going to be sharing 10 deep quizzes about yourself that you can take:

  1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI):
    • Focus: Personality
    • Description: Discover your personality type based on preferences in areas like extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving.
  2. StrengthsFinder 2.0:
    • Focus: Strengths and Talents
    • Description: Identify your top strengths among 34 possibilities, providing insights into how you can leverage these strengths in your personal and professional life.
  3. Enneagram Test:
    • Focus: Personality and Core Motivations
    • Description: Explore your core personality type among nine interconnected types, each with its own distinct motivations and tendencies.
  4. DISC Personality Test:
    • Focus: Behavioural Styles
    • Description: Determine your dominant behavioural traits among four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.
  5. 16 Personalities:
    • Focus: Personality
    • Description: A modern take on Myers-Briggs, offering 16 personality types with detailed profiles, insights, and compatibility analysis.
  6. Holland Code (RIASEC) Career Test:
    • Focus: Career Interests
    • Description: Discover your career interests based on the Holland Code, which categorises individuals into six personality types related to careers.
  7. Love Languages Quiz:
    • Focus: Relationships
    • Description: Understand your primary love language among five options – Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.
  8. The VIA Survey of Character Strengths:
    • Focus: Positive Psychology and Character Traits
    • Description: Identify your core character strengths among 24 virtues, helping you understand and leverage your positive qualities.
  9. What Motivates You? (Motivational Assessment):
    • Focus: Motivations
    • Description: Uncover your key motivational factors, providing insights into what drives you and fuels your passion.
  10. Passion Test:
    • Focus: Personal Passions and Goals
    • Description: Identify your top passions and create a list of priorities to align your life with what truly matters to you.

4. Interpreting Results

Alright, you’ve braved the questions, and now it’s time to decode the treasure trove of insights your quiz has handed you. Let’s dive into the art of interpreting results.

Exploring Detailed Results: Deciphering your personal code

  • Break down personality traits or characteristics: So, you’ve got this intriguing set of results in front of you. Now it’s time to do a deep dive into dissecting the details.
  • Understand the significance of each aspect: Understanding the meaning behind each aspect is like connecting the dots of your own narrative. It’s about seeing how these traits play out in your daily life, relationships, and decision-making.
  • Recognise recurring themes or tendencies: Now, let’s zoom out a bit. Look at the bigger picture. What recurring themes or tendencies do you notice across different areas?
  • Reflect on surprises or contradictions: And here’s where it gets interesting. Did the results unveil surprises or contradictions? Maybe you discovered strengths you didn’t realise you had, or perhaps there are aspects that challenge your self-perception. Embrace the complexity

Once you’ve deciphered your inner world, it’s time to put the insights into action. This will be time consuming so it’s really important to find time for this in your everyday life.


Alright it’s time to wrap up our journey into how to understand yourself better by taking a quiz. In this article we’ve given you to tools to know yourself on a deeper level and now we’re passing the torch over to you – it’s your turn to embrace this journey. Make time for self-reflection, set aside moments for introspection, and let the questions from the quizzes guide you. This is an ongoing journey and you may find it beneficial to revisit the quizzes at a future date.

Good luck and we hope you find out a little something about yourself!

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