Becoming a minimalist checklist: The Ultimate Guide


Hello there, seekers of simplicity! In a world often characterised by excess and fast moving consumer goods, the thought of minimalism has never been more inviting. Minimalism is a mindset, a deliberate choice to focus on what truly matters and discard the unnecessary fluff. In this blog post, we’ll unravel the core principles of this simple yet highly sought after concept, and explore the profound impacts it may have on you.

  1. Understanding minimalism
  2. The core principles
  3. Embracing minimalism in everyday life
  4. Your minimalism checklists

So without further ado, let’s get straight into it.

Section 1: Understanding Minimalism

1.1 Defining Minimalism

To make sure we’re all on the same page, lets take a look at what minimalism has been defined as:

Minimalism as a life philosophy boils down to living a simple life with fewer but carefully selected things, fewer commitments and less noise to, instead, gain more clarity on the things that truly matter, more time, and more calm. Minimalism as a life philosophy doesn’t require you to give away all of your belongings and renounce all worldly things. Instead, it encourages you to be less attached to objects, focus on the ones that have a real value, as well as the people and events in your life that are important to you.

This way of living is much more than just decluttering the physical space around you. It completely extends itself to simplifying various aspects of your life!

Minimalism as a concept has often been viewed as something ‘trendy’ but the impact of adopting this form of lifestyle is undeniable. Beyond the fleeting trends, minimalism encapsulates a huge shift in mindset as it forces us to reassess our values and priorities.

There are endless benefits of this way of living, all of which extend far beyond a clutter-free environment:

  • Reduced stress: The act of decluttering not only streamlines physical spaces but also brings about a tangible sense of tranquility. The resulting minimalist environment fosters a peaceful atmosphere, promoting a calm and stress-free living experience.
  • Increased focus: By eliminating elements that don’t actually add any value, individuals can channel their efforts into tasks with greater ease. This helps to create a state of concentration that facilitates productivity. P.S If lack of focus has spilled into your work life, don’t forget to check out our guide for work from home productivity tips!
  • Enhanced overall wellbeing: Beyond its aesthetic appeal, minimalism encourages purposeful living, aligning possessions and activities with our values.

Essentially, minimalism is the core of intentional living.

1.2 The Origins of Minimalism

So, where did minimalism come from?

Let’s take a stroll back in time.

As a lifestyle philosophy, its roots trace back to the mid-20th century, emerging as a direct response to the excesses of consumerism – because, let’s face it, humanity was on a relentless shopping spree!

It found early expression in various art forms, notably in the works of artists like Donald Judd and Frank Stella, who sought simplicity and purity in their creations.

Another key influence was Mies van der Rohe. He was one of the pioneers of modern architecture, and Mies famously declared, “Less is more.” His influence on the minimalist movement in design and architecture is immeasurable, emphasising clean lines, open spaces, and a focus on functionality.

In essence, the minimalist movement didn’t just happen; it evolved from a convergence of artistic, architectural, and cultural influences.

1.3 Misconceptions about Minimalism

Let’s sift through the fog and clear the air on some common misconceptions about this lifestyle choice.

Myth 1: Minimalism is deprivation.

Contrary to popular belief, minimalism isn’t about living a life of scarcity. It’s a conscious choice to focus on what adds value to your life, letting go of the excess that only serves as clutter. Think of it as curating your life—keeping only what sparks joy and purpose.

Myth 2: Minimalists can only own a certain number of items

Minimalism isn’t a rigid numbers game. It’s about quality over quantity. While some minimalists may choose a more extreme approach, owning a set number of items, the essence lies in intentional ownership. It’s not about how much you own but rather why you own it and the value it brings to your life.

Myth 3: Minimalism means stark, boring spaces

Minimalist spaces are anything but dull. The focus is on clean lines, purposeful design, and a curated selection of items that hold significance. It’s about creating a tranquil and aesthetically pleasing environment, not an empty, sterile space.

Myth 4: Minimalism is only for single, nomadic individuals

Minimalism is an inclusive lifestyle, whether you’re single, have a family, or lead a nomadic or settled life. It’s about simplifying life in a way that aligns with your values and priorities.

Myth 5: Minimalists must renounce technology

Minimalism encourages mindful and intentional use of technology, ensuring that it enhances rather than hinders your life. Don’t worry, embracing minimalist principles can coexist seamlessly with the digital age!

Section 2: The Core Principles of Minimalism

2.1 Decluttering Your Physical Space

Now, let’s dive into the essence of decluttering—shaping your environment into a tranquil haven. Decluttering isn’t merely about creating tidy surfaces and tidying up; it’s about reclaiming your mental space. Luckily, there are practical tips to help you get started:

Practical Tips for Minimising Possessions:

  1. The 80/20 Rule: Identify the vital 20% of your belongings that contribute to 80% of your daily life. Focus on preserving these essentials.
  2. Decluttering Zones: Tackle one area at a time. This approach not only prevents overwhelm but also ensures sustained progress.
  3. The ‘Joy’ Test: This is a very simple method. While this may take time, go through and evaluate each item. Does it spark joy? If not, consider parting ways with it.

2.2 Simplifying Your Digital Life

Navigating the digital maze should have just as much importance as decluttering your physical space. Embrace the digital minimalist within and let the streamlined digital experience pave the way! Again, there are plenty of strategies for tackling this, and you will be able to view the digital checklist in section 4, but consider spending the day removing unnecessary emails – including unsubscribing to newsletters or updates that are no longer relevant. Similarly, consider taking time to create categories for your phone apps, and sorting through your computer files.

2.3 Streamlining Your Finances

Minimalism in finance isn’t about stringent austerity but rather intentional choices that align with your values. It’s a conscious effort to allocate resources where they matter most, fostering a sense of financial well-being.

Let’s delve into the minimalist approach to managing your finances, emphasising the art of budgeting and the virtues of mindful spending.

To kickstart your minimalist financial journey, we wrote a blog post, offering a FREE Google Sheets Budget Template.

This tool simplifies the budgeting process, providing a structured framework for tracking income, expenses, and savings. Take a look and enjoy. It’s pretty good, even though we do say so ourselves!

Section 3: Embracing Minimalism in Daily Life

3.1 Mindful Time Management

For a lot of us, embracing minimalism will need to be a conscious thought. Internationally setting aside time to tackle how you get started is essential, and this checklist will act as a blueprint. Unfortunately, adopting a lifestyle choice is often not something that comes naturally! Create an effective routine to ensure you are prioritising meaningful activities. Going though your current habits will also allow you to identify any time-wasting ones, helping you to streamline your days effectively.

3.2 Nurturing Minimalist Relationships

Have you considered minimalism in the context of relationships before? Minimalism has a profound influence on how we navigate and nurture relationships. By decluttering not just our physical surroundings but also emotional baggage and unnecessary complexities, we create space for authentic connections to flourish. It’s about quality over quantity, ensuring that each relationship adds genuine value to our lives.

To foster and cultivate fulfilling relationships:

  • Prioritise quality time
  • Remove yourself from energy draining relationships
  • Set mindful boundaries
  • Form connections based on shared values and goals.

3.3 Balancing Work and Life

Achieving harmonious work-life balance is a delicate art that should not be taken lightly! However when you include intentional choices, thoughtful prioritisation, and a commitment to preserving time for both professional pursuits and personal fulfilment throughout your days, then you’ll be successful on this balancing act.

Several strategies can be implemented into your days to help you focus on your priorities whilst eliminating unnecessary commitments. This productivity tips post is full of them!

Section 4: Your Minimalist Checklists

Alas, the section we have all been waiting for. The Minimalist Checklist. We’ve put together very *on brand* checklists for you to go through and action until your intentional heart is set.

Your minimalist decluttering checklist includes all areas of your life, from a minimalist wardrobe checklist, to a digital detox. Initially, these will help you to become a minimalist at home.

Wondering how to become a minimalist in 30 days? Wonder no more. Go through these checklists as they are a great starting place in helping you adapt your mindset for this new lifestyle choice.

Minimalist list of things to get rid of: bedroom edition

In the pursuit of a more intentional and simplified lifestyle, there’s no better place to begin than the sanctuary where you start and end each day—the bedroom. Our checklist is designed to help you identify and bid farewell to the excess, helping you to creating a space that fosters serenity and allows for a more mindful start and end to your days.

  • Bedding: Stick to essential bedding items; eliminate excess decorative pillows or throws.
  • Furniture: Opt for functional pieces; declutter bedside tables and dressers.
  • Wardrobe: Curate a minimalist wardrobe; donate or sell items you no longer wear.
  • Lighting: Keep lighting simple and functional; consider decluttering unnecessary lamps.
  • Decor: Limit wall art and decor to a few meaningful pieces; create a serene sleeping space.
  • Storage: Simplify storage solutions; donate or sell unused storage furniture.
  • Floor Space: Clear floor space where possible; consider minimalist rugs or carpets.
  • Windows: Choose simple window treatments; avoid heavy or excessive curtains.
  • Technology: Declutter electronic devices; create a charging station for a tidy look.
  • Air Quality: Keep the air fresh with minimal, natural scents; declutter air-purifying plants.

Minimalist wardrobe checklist

In a world cluttered with options, simplicity speaks volumes. Embracing a minimalist wardrobe not only streamlines your daily choices but also cultivates a timeless sense of style. Here’s a curated checklist to help you build a wardrobe that’s both versatile and effortlessly chic:

  • White/Neutral T-Shirts: Effortless essentials for a clean, casual look.
  • Neutral Button-Down Shirt: Versatile sophistication, seamlessly transitioning from day to night.
  • Classic Denim Jeans: Timeless comfort with the perfect fit for any occasion.
  • Tailored Trousers: Elevate your style with well-fitted, polished trousers.
  • Little Black Dress (LBD): Instant elegance for those timeless moments.
  • Versatile Blazer: A wardrobe chameleon, adding polish to any ensemble.
  • Comfortable Sneakers: Stylish and comfy, ready for your daily adventures.
  • Classic Leather Loafers: Refined footwear, effortlessly blending casual and formal.
  • Cashmere Sweater: Soft, cosy luxury for warmth and style.
  • Structured Handbag: Timeless sophistication meets practicality in a go-to accessory.
  • Sunglasses: Classic shades for a touch of mystery and cool.
  • Minimal Jewellery: Subtle accents that speak volumes in simplicity.
  • Timeless Watch: A functional and stylish essential for everyday elegance.
  • High-Quality Outerwear (e.g., Trench Coat): Enduring style meets practical warmth.
  • Sustainable and Versatile Denim Jacket: A conscious choice for casual, eco-friendly fashion.

Now, they key here isn’t to count the amount of items you have and throw away the rest. As we mentioned at the start, minimalism is not about deprivation. This checklist simply highlights what many may consider as essential. One thing we will state though, is that for minimalism to work in the wardrobe, your clothing choices should be of quality so they are able to withstand the test of time. That isn’t to say they should be designer! Consciously buying 3 quality sweaters will be better than buying 10 not-so-good ones.

Becoming a minimalist checklist: home office edition

Get ready to step into your serene work space. We’re no strangers to remote working, and know how distracting it can be when you’re trying to work but are surrounded by clutter. It’s even worse when it adds to your procrastination. Set some time aside to go through this checklist to make sure your space is clear.

  • Desk Setup: Declutter the workspace; keep only necessary items on the desk.
  • Chair: Choose a comfortable and minimalist office chair; avoid excessive features.
  • Stationery: Streamline stationery; keep only what you use regularly.
  • Cables: Organise and declutter cables; use cable organisers for a tidy look.
  • Storage: Choose efficient and minimal storage solutions; keep only what’s necessary.
  • Technology: Declutter electronic devices; create a charging station for a tidy look.
  • Filing System: Digitise documents and organise files; shred or recycle unnecessary paperwork.
  • Personal Items: Limit personal items on the desk; choose meaningful and functional decor.
  • Lighting: Opt for simple and efficient lighting solutions; eliminate unnecessary lamps.
  • Plants: Consider a minimalist plant or small succulent for a touch of greenery.

Becoming a minimalist checklist: digital edition

Embracing minimalism extends beyond physical spaces to the digital realm. This checklist will allow you to streamline your digital life, from apps to files and notifications, get ready to simplify your digital world and create space for what truly matters.

  • Email: Unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters; organise emails into folders.
  • Apps: Remove unused apps from devices; organise remaining apps into categories.
  • Files: Regularly declutter digital files; categorise and back up important documents.
  • Passwords: Review and update passwords regularly; use a secure password manager.
  • Desktop: Keep a clutter-free desktop; organise files into folders.
  • Photos: Declutter digital photos; organise into folders and back up regularly.
  • Social Media: Regularly review social media accounts; unfollow accounts not adding value.
  • Notifications: Customise and limit app notifications for a less distracting digital experience.
  • Devices: Declutter devices; uninstall unused apps and organise home screens.
  • Digital Subscriptions: Assess and eliminate unnecessary digital subscriptions; streamline payments.

Becoming a minimalist: living room checklist

Welcome to the heart of your home—the living room. Ready to turn it into a cosy haven with a touch of simplicity? Let’s dive into it. And before you even think about it, I promise you, you don’t need that thing that has been hiding under the sofa for the last year!

  • Cushions and Throws: Limit decorative cushions and throws; focus on comfort and function.
  • Electronics: Declutter remote controls and unnecessary gadgets; organise cables.
  • Floor Space: Clear floor space of excess furniture; create a sense of openness.
  • Windows: Choose simple window treatments; let in natural light for a bright atmosphere.
  • Books and Magazines: Curate a minimalist selection of books and magazines; donate or sell extras.
  • Rugs: Opt for a minimalist rug or carpet; avoid excessive patterns or sizes.
  • Coasters and Trays: Keep only essential coasters and trays; declutter unnecessary ones.
  • Vases and Ornaments: Choose a few meaningful vases or ornaments; avoid overcrowding surfaces.
  • Remote Holders: Streamline remote holders; keep only those that match your decor.
  • Magazine Holders: Limit magazine holders; opt for sleek and minimal designs.
  • Games and Puzzles: Declutter board games and puzzles; keep only favourites for entertainment.
  • Tech Accessories: Organise and declutter tech accessories; keep only those in regular use.
  • Candles and Candle Holders: Choose a minimal selection of candles and holders; avoid cluttering surfaces.
  • Storage Baskets: Streamline storage baskets; choose functional and aesthetically pleasing options.

Becoming a minimalist: kitchen edition

For many, the kitchen is the social hub of the house, so it’s easy to accumulate lots of items in this area! Fortunately for you, we’ve put together a list to help you start cracking on. Bid farewell to unnecessary extras and welcome a kitchen that’s both practical and inviting.

  • Cookware: Limit to essential pots, pans, and utensils; donate duplicates or unused items.
  • Appliances: Assess necessity; keep appliances you use frequently.
  • Pantry: Declutter expired items and keep essentials; avoid overstocking.
  • Dishes and Cutlery: Streamline dishes and cutlery; keep what you need for everyday use.
  • Kitchen Gadgets: Eliminate unnecessary gadgets; keep only those with regular use.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Simplify cleaning supplies; choose multipurpose products where possible.
  • Storage Containers: Assess and declutter storage containers; keep only matching sets.
  • Food Storage: Organise food storage; discard expired or unused items.
  • Small Appliances: Declutter small kitchen appliances; keep only what you use frequently.
  • Surfaces: Keep countertops clear; only display items you use daily.


And there you have it! As we wrap up this article on the practices of minimalism, we hope you’ve found inspiration to declutter and simplify various aspects of your life. By understanding minimalism, exploring its core principles, and adopting intentional choices into your everyday life, you will be on a path towards reduced stress, increased focus, and enhanced overall well-being. Again, the journey of intentional living is not about deprivation but rather a curated selection of items, activities, and relationships that bring genuine joy and purpose.

So, whether you’re decluttering your physical and digital spaces, curating a minimalist wardrobe, or embracing intentional choices in your daily routine, remember that minimalism is a personal journey. It’s about aligning your life with what resonates deeply with you, creating spaces and moments that truly reflect your values.

Happy simplifying!

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