Crafting Your Personal Vision and Goals for the Future



2024 is going to be the best year you have ever had.

Just picture it. This time next year, you are living your best life. You achieved the goals you set out to achieve, and you are finally seeing a difference. You’re not about to repeat the same year again. And the best part? We’re going to be laying out the foundations in just one month.

Say hello to That Girl 31.

This challenge has been created for you and it will put you in a really great position to start the new year off strong! We’re going to be posting here every day in January, as well as sharing short form snippets over on our TikTok and Instagram (if you’re not already, please do follow us over there too!).

By the end of this article, you’re going to have a really strong idea of your personal vision and goals for the future, and this will act as your guiding star. We will be covering:

  • The Power of Unrestricted Thinking
  • Getting Started
  • Personal Vision Examples
  • Examples of Personal Vision Statements for Your Career
  • & Step-By-Step Guide

If you’re ready to make 2024 your year, then keep reading.

The Power of Unrestricted Thinking

Woman thinking about her personal vision and goals for the future
Source: Freepik

First off, let’s get a better understanding of what a vision statement actually is, and why it’s important that we all have one. Essentially, your personal vision statement is a sentence that sums up your goals, strengths, and values that will help you get there.

Having your own vision statement is important as it holds many benefits. As it acts as your north star, it helps you with decision-making, staying focused and helps you set your goals.

Ultimately, this provides clarity about your purpose and the overall direction you want your life to take. Now this may sound dramatic, but it is really important to realise.

Getting Started

We’re not going to sugarcoat it, this activity is going to require a bit of effort from your end, but we promise it will be worth it.

You’ll want to go to or create your own positive environment. This comfort space will give you the breathing room required for the necessary brainstorming. This should not be a 2 minute activity. Really sit down and think about it. t may be easier to work backwards – start off by determining what you want your life to look like.

Unrestricted thinking here may seem ‘optimistic’ but trust the process. You really need to allow yourself to let loose and dream big without limits! The world is your oyster, so why would you not take advantage of this? Let yourself daydream. What does your absolute perfect day look like? Capture this.

What life do you want to be living in a years time? What does your daily routine look like? Take time to really explore and understand your aspirations.

Now, we’re all different and we all work best in different ways. So we’re not going to tell you what specific tools you need to use as there’s no right answer. Whether you work best with a pen and paper, or digitally, it’s all the same to us!

Personal Vision Examples

Now if you’re anything like us, you’re going to want to see an example of personal vision and goals for the future, so you have a clear end goal in mind. Here are 6 “my vision and mission in life” examples that you can use as inspiration for when you begin crafting your own:

  1. “To cultivate a life of balance and harmony, where my professional success fuels my personal growth, and my contributions positively impact the world around me.”
  2. “Striving to be a beacon of creativity and innovation, I envision a future where my passion for continuous learning propels me to make meaningful advancements in my field and inspire others to do the same.”
  3. “In pursuit of a life filled with compassion and connection, my vision is to foster strong relationships, contribute to the well-being of my community, and leave a legacy of kindness and understanding.”
  4. “I am committed to unlocking the full potential of my mind and body, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and living a life that reflects resilience, authenticity, and unwavering self-belief.”
  5. “To be a catalyst for positive change, my vision is to leverage my skills and resources to address societal challenges, empower others to reach their potential, and contribute to the creation of a more just and equitable world.”
  6. “In the pursuit of inner peace and fulfilment, I envision a life guided by mindfulness, where every action is aligned with my values, and I inspire those around me to lead purpose-driven lives that radiate positivity and meaning.”

Examples of Personal Vision Statements for Career

Incase you’re looking to level up in the career department for 2024, we’ll share some examples of personal vision statements for your career below. These goals for the future have a professional element that you can use to kickstart a brainstorm around what you may want your career to look like:

  1. “To cultivate a mindset of continuous learning, consistently acquiring new skills and knowledge in my professional domain, ensuring adaptability and staying ahead in a dynamic work environment.”
  2. “To be a mentor and catalyst for growth, dedicating myself to the development of others by sharing knowledge, providing guidance, and creating opportunities for professional advancement within my team and community.”
  3. “To integrate work and life in a harmonious way, promoting a healthy work-life balance that nurtures personal well-being, fosters creativity, and enhances overall job satisfaction.”
  4. “To champion inclusivity and diversity in the workplace, aspiring to lead by example and create environments where every voice is valued, ensuring a workplace culture that fosters creativity and productivity.”

Please note that the above are hypothetical examples of what a personal vision statement may looks like. This should be something that is completely unique to you, your life, and what life you want to lead. So don’t rush this process, set aside some time to go through this properly. This is not something that should be done if you are limited for time.

Step-By-Step Guide: Creating Personal Vision and Goals for the Future

Okay, now you’re equipped with examples of personal vision and goals for the future, it’s time to actually create your own.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a meaningful vision statement and set your own future goals:

Step 1: Reflect on Your Values and Passions

Firstly, what are your core values and passions? What activities bring you joy and fulfilment? What principles guide your decision-making? Understanding these aspects will help you align your vision with what truly matters to you. This may seem like a simple exercise, but really think about who you are as a person.

Step 2: Envision Your Ideal Future

Close your eyes and imagine your ideal future. Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with? Envision the details of a day in your future life. And no detail is too small here. Understanding what you want your end goal to be will essentially serve as the foundations for your vision statement.

Step 3: Define Your Core Purpose

Consider the overarching purpose that drives you. What impact do you want to make in your career and personal life? Your core purpose should capture the essence of why you do what you do.

Step 4: Craft a Vision Statement

Use the insights from the previous steps listed to craft a concise and inspiring vision statement. It should articulate your aspirations, values, and the impact you want to create. Make it clear, compelling, and emotionally resonant. This should now become your guiding star when making decisions in your day to day life.

Step 5: Break Down Into Long-Term and Short-Term Goals

Once you have your vision, break it down into long-term and short-term goals. Long-term goals are the major milestones you aim to achieve over several years, while short-term goals are the smaller steps you can take in the near future to progress toward your vision.

(Top Tip: Make Goals SMART)

Ensure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework will help you create goals that are clear, realistic, and actionable.

Step 6: Prioritise and Sequence Goals

Prioritise your goals based on their importance and interdependence. Determine the sequence in which you’ll pursue them, recognising that some goals may need to be achieved before others. Be realistic also about the time they will take to complete.

Step 7: Create an Action Plan

Develop a detailed action plan for each goal. Break down the steps required to achieve them, set deadlines, and identify resources or support you might need. We’ve been using this great resource – Playbook 24 – on a daily to help us action on out personal vision and goals for the future.

digital planner to help you achieve personal vision and goals for the future
Step 8: Stay Flexible and Adapt

Life is dynamic, and circumstances may change. Stay flexible and be open to adapting your goals and action plans as needed. Embrace the learning and growth that comes with unexpected challenges. If things aren’t going to plan, one thing we like to tell ourselves is “it’s all part of the plot!”

Step 9: Review and Adjust Regularly

Regularly review your vision, goals, and progress. Celebrate your achievements, learn from setbacks, and make adjustments as your vision evolves or as new opportunities arise. We change all the time as people, so it only makes sense that our goals change in line with this too.

Going through these steps will help you realise and solidify your personal vision and goals for the future. Craft the future you’ve always imagined and work on it until it becomes your new reality.


If you’ve got this far, we’re sending you a genuine congratulations! We know how easy it is to skim through articles without actually sticking to them and taking action.

Once you’ve captured ideas that will make up your vision statement, you want to work this into a powerful sentence or two. Again, don’t rush this as a strong statement will take time to create. Crafting your personal vision and goals for the future isn’t something to take lightly!

When you are happy with what you have put together, you may decide to take this one step further. Get visualisations for this and turn it into a vision board/wallpaper. Constantly seeing the life we want to create will positively enforce this narrative into our brains, eventually becoming an unconscious thought. This will then embed itself into all of the decisions you make!

If you want to see how you can easily create a personalised vision board for free, don’t forget to come back tomorrow for Day 2.

We genuinely hope you stick with this challenge and see it through until the end! We promise your future self with thank you for it.

Hope to see you tomorrow!


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