5 Physical signs of low self esteem and how to overcome it


Self esteem is a term that is often used flippantly, but can sometimes not be fully understood. It can have a huge impact on our personal wellbeing as it is ultimately the way we view ourselves. Physical signs of low self esteem can even become apparent.

For a clearer definition, this statement from Mind can be read below:

Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. It’s based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can feel difficult to change. 

Mind Charity

This description highlights the layers that these emotions can have. In this article we’re going to unravel the impact it has, get to know the physical signs, and share with you with coping strategies to overcome it.

How self-esteem can affect us

Low levels of self-esteem can affect any of us at any time, and it can manifest in various ways. Issues with low self-esteem may occur suddenly, or it may have become more visible over a period of time. These emotions may be influenced by various factors, including personal experiences, societal standards, and relationships.

cartoon woman looking at her reflection feeling confused - physical signs of low self esteem

Many reasons may contribute to to these feeling, including but not limited to:

  • problems at work or school
  • bullying
  • physical health problems
  • mental health problems
  • relationship struggles
  • money issues
  • problems with body image

When we have come to conclusions on the overall opinion we have on ourself, physical signs of low self esteem may become apparent. These signs are really important to recognise, for ourselves and for those around us.

Physical Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Whilst self esteem is not a mental health problem in itself, the two are closely linked to one another. Low self esteem over a period of time can in turn become signs of mental health problems, and visa versa.

Low self esteem can have a huge impact on overall health and lifestyle, so it is paramount to understand what the physical signs of this are, and to take action as soon as possible.

We will be identifying some of the physical signs below:

Body Language

These signs will be visually obvious to those who are around you, but it may not be very apparent to yourself. Therefore you may need to consciously think about your own body language.

Examples of this may include:

  • Poor posture and slouching
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Fidgeting
  • Nervous movements

Appearance and Grooming

Unlike body language, this one may be more obvious to yourself. How we appear on the outside can sometimes be a window into how we are feeling on the inside.

Examples of this may include:

  • Negleting personal hygiene
  • Lack of interest in your personal style
  • Not maintaining grooming habits

Weight-Related Issues

Our relationship with weight can sometimes reflect how we feel about ourselves. These changes overtime will become more noticeable.

Examples of this may include:

  • Extreme dieting
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Obsessive focus on body image

Social Interaction

When our self-esteem is not at its best, it becomes easier to pull back on social interactions.

Examples of this may include:

  • Limited engagement in conversations
  • Cancelling social plans
  • Avoidance in maintaining relationships

Physical Health

How we feel physically can be connected to how we feel about ourselves internally. When our self-esteem takes a bit of a hit, it might show up in our physical health.

Examples of this may include:

  • Poor sleeping patterns
  • Lack of interest in exercise
  • Tense muscles or headaches – signs of chronic stress
lonely woman who is still awake late at night - physical sign of low self esteem

The importance of recognising these signs cannot be overstated enough. Taking action to address these indicators is not just about enhancing your external appearance; it’s about being proactive and taking positive steps towards creating a more resilient sense of self.

Impact on Daily Life

Unfortunately, low self esteem extends beyond what we see when we look in the mirror. It weaves itself into our everyday lives and will impact our work, relationships and personal fulfilment.

Work/School: Low self-esteem may undermine confidence, impacting one’s ability to assert themselves at work. Limited social interactions may also may team situations feel more challenging

Relationships: Neglecting personal hygiene, appearance and grooming can negatively impact current relationships as it may affect how others perceive and engage with us.

Personal fulfilment: Whilst feeling low, it can become increasingly difficult to enjoy the small things in life and remember to practice gratitude.

Overall, physical signs of low self-esteem create a negative ripple effect into our wider lives.

Coping Strategies and Solutions

Now we’ve covered the physical signs of low self-esteem, it is time to look at practical tips and strategies of how to cope and boost your internal feelings about yourself.

self acceptance, womans reflection hugging her
  • Positive affirmations: Start and end your day with positive affirmations. Consistent positivity can alter your perception overtime.
  • Self reflection: Setting time aside to journal is a really powerful tool to identify patterns that contribute to low self esteem.
  • Self care practices: Make the effort to incorporate self care into your everyday routine. Prioritise this to reinforce self worth.
  • Exercise: Though it may be difficult to get started, you’ll be glad you did when you start to feel those endorphins.
  • Set realistic goals: Break these down into smaller tasks. Working your way through these will boost your confidence and sense of achievement.
  • Seek help: Openly communicate with your trusted friends, family, or a mental health professional about your struggles.
  • Remove negative influences: Whether it’s social media, certain triggers or people, remove them so you can create a more positive environment for yourself.


In conclusion, self esteem, often spoken of casually, plays a profound role in our overall well-being. It shapes how we perceive ourselves, resulting in it influencing our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

These low emotions can come into all of our lives at any moment and unfortunately it leaves physical signs of low self esteem. It it really important to address these physical signs before they may intertwine with our mental health.

Having knowledge of the possible contributing factors will give you a better understanding of yourself, and places you in a stronger position to overcome low self esteem. Going through the various strategies may take a while and the first tactic you try may not work, but it is all part of the process.

Navigating your self esteem will be a journey of self-discovery and growth, and it is absolutely a journey worth taking.

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